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Can Do Systems develops top-notch software products for IBM's z/OS operating system. The  first Y2K software testing solution in the world, TICTOC, our date and time simulation product, was developed by Can Do back in 1992. Until the end of 2012, TICTOC was being marketed internationally by IBM under the IBM product name, "Application Time Facility" (ATF)​.

Now that the Y2K problem is way behind us all, we're at work on new products that make managing important parts of the z/OS environment a cinch.​

Can Do Systems' staff consists of people who have been in the z/OS, OS/390 and
MVS systems software development field for a combined total of more than fifty years. We've kept up with the times, though, and are committed to using the latest technologies to provide our customers with products that let them access z/OS resources with the click of a mouse, a cut and paste or a drag and drop.
Can Do Systems is a proud long-standing member of
​​IBM's PartnerWorld for Develope​rs​.​

(“Application Time Facility” is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation)


Copyright © 2000-2025 Can Do Systems, Inc., all rights reserved.

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